Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Putting An End To FML

I am destined to make a change in this world.  This may seem like a rant to many, and maybe it is, but we must change the way we use certain words.  I am extremely bothered by something (and have been for quite some time).  I have decided that I have a voice and should use it to the best of my ability and speak up.  A change cannot be made if we constantly sit in silence.  How's the phrase go? "If you don't vote, you can't b#$%h."  So here it is:
The use of "FML," is degrading to some.  For those of you who are unaware of what FML stands for, it is F$%k My Life.  Here is what I see on a regular basis on popular social media sites:  "What a terrible day!  First thing this morning I woke up late for work! As I'm driving to work in a hurry I spilled coffee all over my white suit! UGH!  Then, it gets better...I was pulled over and given a speeding ticket!  Finally I made it to work only to find out they want me to work over-time! Geeze! FML!!!"
To that post I say this:  FML? Are you being serious?  Some people in this world would trade for your life any day of the week.  Men and women alike have been laid off and unemployed for quite some time.  They have lost their home because of non-payment resulting in foreclosure.  Maybe you should be thankful you have a job.  Over-time you say?  Those unemployed people would give their teeth just to be able to work 20 hours a week; and you my friend are complaining about over-time?  Oh, that white suit that you spilled coffee on?  Some cannot afford the coffee you spilled, let alone the suit.  Oh, the speeding ticket too you say?  The people who also lost their home also lost their car.  Whether you are driving a Rolls- Royce or a beat-up hooptie, you should be thankful you have transportation.
Let me tell you something else---someone just buried their precious, innocent child today to a painful disease.  Someone just lost their mother to cancer.  Someone out there buried their family pet, their best friend.  Someone out there was diagnosed with breast cancer today, MS, heart disease.  Someone lost a friend to suicide, depression, anorexia, car crash, or even an attack similar to September 11.  Now...are you sure you want to post FML?  Think before you post.
I have spilled coffee.  I have been pulled over.  I have had to work over-time.  I have rammed my toe into a door jam, fallen down the stairs and had a kitten stuck in my engine too (yes, all in one day).  I get a bit frustrated---then laugh.  I am too blessed in this world to state FML over spilled milk.  "If it is something we will laugh about later, why wait? Laugh now.  Life is too short."  You are very blessed with the things going right in your life to fret over the things going "wrong."  If there is something not going so well in your life, change it.  It may be a long, difficult challenge, but you can do it. Only you have that power.  (Oh, and get the word can't out of your vocabulary too please.  You can do anything you put your mind to.)
Side note: The kitten was rescued and given to a wonderful home---just in case you were wondering.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

No Such Thing as "Society"

It has been nearly five months since my last blog visit.  I find it simply amazing what we learn if we take the time to slow down and observe.  Over the past few months I have been honored to see strangers emerge from the dark.  I have seen the weak become strong; the insecure become warriors, and the self-conscious become confident.  I have seen people fall prey to victimization; then rise from the ashes.  I have seen the affects of rumors; and the hasty emotional-roller coaster judgement can play on the human brain. 
I very dear friend of mine has had to make some challenging life decisions.  She made every decision with caution.  She made these decisions to better suit her child.  Although, she kept her decisions private because "some" would consider her decisions [below the standards of society]. I have seen this many times in my own life.  As human beings (not just youth), we want to fit in and feel accepted.  We try to live up to the expectations of society.  To those people out there who have fallen prey to the "standards of society," I want to ask you one question: Who is Society?  Really.  What I would consider "normal," may be completely below your standards.  What you may consider "normal," may be completely out of character for me.  Their is no such thing as "society," when it comes to standards.  We must stand up and stop trying to base our every decision on what society would expect of us.  I say that because there is no such thing.  We would constantly be chasing rainbows.  You will never meet every one's expectations.
I have had to learn this the hard way.  I discovered my own confidence and beauty.  I am very respectful to others opinions, but still rely on own instincts alone to make any decision.  Yes, I still ask for advice.  I think about the advice; weigh my own instinct with the advice and make a decision.  If you have a room of 10 people, ask for a solution to a problem, I can guarantee that not all 10 people will be on board.  With that being said, how can you possibly imagine to please society?  In my opinion, "society," would mean either the entire country in which you live, or those within a 50 mile radius of you.  Either way, you are planning to please thousands-upon-thousands of people...impossible.  So, instead of trying to tackle the impossible, why don't you tackle the possible.  What is possible?  Possible is something that I know I can do.  I know what I need to do right now.  That decision may change tomorrow, but that is MY decision. 
This has set in my mind.  I have mastered the gut-instinct within myself.  My instinct and me are now compadre's---yes, we are that close.  Over the past several months, I have been more successful than I have ever imagined.  I am happier than a bee in a pollen-infested season.  Only I know what is best for me.  If I do not live up to your expectations, that is quite alright with me...because I live up to my own.  Do you find it ironic that you are happier when you are pleasing yourself and not others first?  You will never make everyone 100% happy; so you might as well find happiness within yourself.
I know that I have loved, and have been loved.  I have had my good parenting days along with my bad.  What I have discovered though, is that when I love myself, please myself, I can love and please others.  I must come first---no, that is not selfish, that is human.  Love yourself first and society will follow you.  Be the leader.  Create the society.  You are smart, beautiful and strong.  Don't just say it, believe it...and the rest will follow---I promise.