Saturday, December 18, 2010

The New Girl

     As I welcome myself to this old, yet new-found-technology, I find myself questioning why we choose to put ourselves in vulnerable situations.  I do not like to be judged as much as the next person, yet here I am.  I have written since about the age of 12, it is my get-away, my safety blanket.  Writing is a way for me to tuck away into my own secret, pretend world, and no one knows where it is; it is magical here.  It is not about the grammar and punctuation, it is about embracing a good feeling.  So, once again, I question why I am here.  I think I am ready to share my secret world--with the world.  I have kept the most amazing secrets to life in my head; why not share them?  The secrets to life, happiness, and confidence I have; and I find it time to share them with you.  I want to share my thoughts and secrets throughout several posts; I would not want to ruin it all in one day, right?
      The term, "Chasing Rainbows," is the term I use to describe countless situations in life.  Rainbows are beautiful, symbolic, and mesmerizing; yet, you will never have one to call your own.  Regardless of what goes on inside your head, you will never catch a rainbow.  So, I question myself on this theory--is it ok to chase a rainbow, if you know you will never catch it?  In the begining, I said no.  Give up.  Do not chase things in life you will never have: a certain job, a man or woman, a pet....just give up.  Now?  I disagree.  If wherever you find happiness is impossible, so-be-it, you are happy, right?


  1. I have a "situation" that no one really knows about (and therefore, no one can help me with.) I've sought counsel in the bottom of a crystal decanter, to no avail. I would be honest with myself if only I knew the truth. It's easy to follow the song that's in your heart, but often difficult to discern the true meaning of the words. Indeed it is often easier to make up your own words that coincide with how you wish things were vs. how things really are. My "situation" will eventually pass, but I'm praying that it does not... The song in fact is quite lovely.

  2. Another cold winter has almost passed and the lips of an angel wait to be warmed. What for the maiden whose heart cries? When will the perennial love that binds be broken? When will the love of a thousand men be brought to fruition? Be felt? Be known? Oh how my heart longs to sing your name. To not be suppressed or hidden surreptitiously? To stand on the mountain tops and shout, not whisper your name. To be truly happy I must hope, persevere and have the strongest of faith…
