Monday, November 5, 2012

Farewell Snail Mail & Ringing Phones

     Ah, the good ole days of receiving that special letter in the mail.  I still get excited when I see a hand written envelope in my mailbox---although it comes on rare occasion.  Lately, it is mostly slander on an expensive piece of card stock.  I'm not going to lie, my heart skips a beat when I know someone has taken some precious time away from there day to send me a little "thinking of you," in the mail.  Time comes to a screeching halt and the world is suddenly silent when my phone rings with someone simply calling to say Hello.  I've been known on occasion to carry on conversations with telemarketers just to keep the familiarity of holding a phone to my ear, practice using my voice and yes, giving me a human voice to hear. 
     The world of technology has been wonderful.  We can find long-lost relatives, keep in touch with classmates, and stay current with the latest happenings.  However, it is instilling a deep void---one that is very hard to repair.  I recently celebrated my birthday.  I love my birthday; it is my holiday!  I am extremely blessed with caring family and friends who took time out of there day to wish me happy birthday wishes.  However, I still felt a deep void.  I received countless text messages.  I received Face Book messages from all across the globe---literally.  That made my heart smile!  However, my phone rang only once.  Of all the instant "I'm-too-busy-to-call-but-still-need-to-wish-you-a-happy-birthday" messages, it was the one phone call that meant so much to me;  it was the one hand-addressed card from Grandma.
     Take time to breathe.  Take time to cherish the small moments in life.  Take five minutes out of your day (even it's while you are multi-tasking), to pick up the phone and say hello to someone.  You never know when you will last see someone.  I can't speak for you, but, I know I would regret knowing I last text a loved one, "Happy Birthday. Love Yah!" and didn't have the decency to think you were worth a call.  I guess I have to question who I am.  Am I the type people do not like to call because they know they will be on the phone with me for hours?  Probably!  No one calls me!  They only "message" me! I like verbal communication (you know, the words that make noise).  It's a lost art....much like canning.  Just remember, when you are too busy for someone else, the time will come when they are too busy for you---and it hurts.

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